Poem for day three of NaPoWriMo (posted a bit late).
My inspiration was taken from the idea that, when you don't know someone very well, they're like a 'mad-lib'.
You "fill in the blanks" with whatever makes sense at the time. But sometimes, this happens in reverse; we let others fill in the blanks for us. In doing so, we become a motley assortment of other people and who they perceive us to be.
This poem is about these concepts, and the desire to break free from being defined by others...
Thank you for reading.

Self Epic
Written 04.03.2022
Open me up
Fill in the blanks
I'm a half-written novel
You give what I take
Close me down
Put me away
Leave me unfinished
I've more to say...
I'm filled up with bits
Little pieces of you
So many words and memories
Yet always too few
Leave me forgotten
Half-empty, half-read
Compel me to write
And not leave things unsaid
To slowly become
the story of me
In my own words -
An epic tale I would be
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